Thursday, February 22, 2018

Solution for Error 17002 when uninstalling Office 365 (2016) when apps like word, excel, outlook are open

When uninstalling office 365 silently, it is failing only when any applications like word, excel are kept open. This is because during uninstall, office checks for any running applications and prompts the user to close it which is not happening in silent uninstall.

When uninstalling in UI mode, it prompts to close when any office apps are open. Since in silent mode office is not able to do this, it fails with an error code 17002.

You can check in the log file for the error code 17002.

To overcome this just add the property FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN with Value="True" in the uninstall config.xml file. This property will force shutdown any running office apps.


 <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail" >
 <Language ID="en-us" />
<Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE" />
<Display Level="None"/>
<Logging Path="c:\temp\" Name="Uninstall.log"/>


Place  the  <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="True" /> part after  the <Remove>... </Remove> tags. If it is placed in between <Remove>... </Remove> tags, then it wont work.

You can use the below online configuration xml editor to avoid issues when editing the XML file.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

App-V: Virtual Packages works in win 10 1607 but fails in windows 10 1703/1709

Many packages that completely worked in inbox App-V in windows 10 1607 failed after upgrading to windows 10 1703 and 1709 versions. The reason for failure is due to Microsoft changed the way to load registries in containers CREG instead of usual virtual registry VREG. To know about this change do have a look at the below articles from Tim Mangan.

There was a temporary fix which was available and Roy Essers posted it in twitter a long back.
It was adding the below registry entry manually in the 1703/1709 machines.


Microsoft has released an update earlier today which is supposed to fix this registry mapping issue.

We can clearly see that they have made use of the temporary fix to change the registry virtualization to use the VREG instead of the modern CREG that was mentioned earlier to permanently fix this issue.

Apart from the registry fix, this update also fixes many other App-V issues which can bee seen below.

This update will be downloaded and installed automatically from Windows Update. If you would like to use the standalone package for this update, download it from the below link.

NOTE: This fix is supposed to be only for windows 10 1709. The article haven't mentioned anything about windows 10 1703. Will do a check in windows 10 1703/1709 and update how the fix has really helped to solve the issue.

Update: This issue is also fixed in windows 10 1703 with the new hotfix released.