Tuesday, February 20, 2024

W365: Error code 0x80072ee2

Recently i started seeing the below error message when accessing cloud pc through the windows app. 

The connection cannot proceed because the authentication authority cannot be contacted.

Error code: 0x80072ee2

Steps taken to resolve was quite simple. 

Try closing down windows app forcefully. 

Even if it fails to connect to windows 365 cloud pc next time then restart the base laptop which should fix this error. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

w365: How to Enable Local admin settings

 Steps to Enable Local admin settings:

  • Log in to the Microsoft Intune portal.
  • Navigate to Devices -> Windows 365 
  • Click on +Add button to create user settings policy.

  • Select the Enable local admin checkbox ☑ 

Now assign it to the group of users who require local admin access. 

In the cloud pc, open company portal and in settings click sync.

Logoff/Login required for the settings to take effect.