Thursday, January 28, 2016

Add custom scripts in AppxManifest.xml file using App-V 5.1 Sequencer

In the Package editor under advanced tab, you can see the Manifest file tab which has been introduced in App-V 5.1. This doesn't exist in earlier versions of App-V. Using this tab, you can export or import the AppxManifest.xml file.

Earlier if we want to do any custom changes we have to edit the deploymentconfig or userconfig.xml file(for adding scripts, editing FTA's etc). App-V 5.1 provides advanced way to edit those changes within the AppxManifest.xml.

To do so, click on export as highlighted below in the Manifest file tab. This will export the AppxManifest.xml file to the local machine. choose the destination and click on save.

Open the exported AppxManifest.xml using AppVManifestEditor. You can download the tool from here AVME

AVME is a simple yet powerful tool to edit the AppxManifest file.My recommendation is not to edit the AppxManifest file manually.

After opening the file using AVME,you can select the checkbox on left hand side to enable the type of script you want(Machine or User), then enter the Path (Powershell.exe) and Arguments field. After editing, save the file using the SaveAs button found at the top right side.

The output of the AppvManifest.xml will be like this.

In the Package Editor, select Import and choose the modified AppxManifest.xml file and select save in the sequencer.

This will create the virtual package with inbuilt scripts in the AppxManifest.xml file.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Possible reasons for App-V 5.0 sequencer crash

Recently I came across a question in TechNet about App-V 5.0 Sequencer getting crashed when saving a package and its possible reasons. In this blog I am listing out the possible reasons for sequencer crash and its solutions provided from other App-V techies.

First and foremost it's always  a good start to check in the event log when ever there is an issue. Check the screenshot as where to look for sequencer log entries. Always enable show analytic and debug logs from view menu.

1. rels files:

The App-V 5.0 sequencer fails to sequence if there is any .rels files present in the package.
You can identify a relationship part by the presence of a file with a ".rels" file extension in a folder named "_rels".
To know more check the link from Microsoft.

2. Invalid manifest detected:

Missing or invalid ProgId entries might also cause sequencer to crash with Invalid manifest detected error log.
Check the link from Dan Gough.


AppxManifest.xml schema does not allow backslashes in ProgId names. If found it leads to sequencer crash.

A manifest document failed validation against the schema(s).
 DOM Error: 0xC00CE169
 Reason: ‘Blackbaud.Ext\RE70\RE7’ violates pattern constraint of ‘[^\\]*’.
The element ‘{}ProgId’ with value ‘Blackbaud.Ext\RE70\RE7’ failed to parse.
Credit - Trentent & Dan Gough

4. Number of fonts:

There’s a limit of 700 fonts in a single AppV 5.0 SP3 package.
A manifest document failed validation against the schema(s).
 DOM Error: -1072898028
 Reason: Element ‘{}Font’ is unexpected according to content model of parent element ‘{}Fonts’.
Check Tim Mangan research paper for more details.

5. Change from VFS to PVAD:

Try changing to PVAD during sequencing. This might some time resolve the issue.

6. Long paths:

Check for long paths in the package editor before saving.

7. Missing Language pack:

Sequencer might crash if there is any missing language pack. To know more check this link.

8. Shortcut names that end with a space:

Some times (not in all the cases) if there is a space in the shortcut at the end, it will lead to issues.

9.Manufacturer doesn't support App-V:

Some applications do not support App-V sequencing and causes sequencer to crash. In this case, there is no way to sequence it as manufacturer doesn't support App-V. It always a good approach to check with the manufacture in this scenario.

If you are not able to find any possible reason,then it is always recommended to raise a support ticket with Microsoft App-V team.