Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Intune - Linux Intune app shows Something went wrong [1001] while registering

 login in Intune app in Ubuntu 22.04 and click Register shows an error after a while "Something went wrong. [1001]"

Run below command in terminal and reproduce the issue on the device again.

journalctl --user -f -u microsoft-identity-broker. service

Found the below error in the logs -

Jul 02 12:39:37 microsoft-identity-broker[2719976]: Caused by: com.microsoft.identity.broker4j.workplacejoin.exception.DrsErrorResponseException: {"code":"invalid_request","subcode":"error_directory_quota_exceeded","message":"User 'aef5db22-07a6-40ee-9f7e-20' is not eligible to enroll a device of type 'Linux'. Reason 'DeviceCapReached'.","operation":"DeviceJoin","requestid":"08e0c4a1-e0d4-4a1f-bad9-101f3549aba6"}

From the logs, we can see that this user is not eligible to enrol his device because the maximum limit to register devices has already reached.

Remove any stale devices for the end user in Intune portal and retry registration again.

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