Monday, April 13, 2015

How to package Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0

1. Delete Desktop Shortcut
2. Remove the custom action for Launch Condition "Install [ProductName] by using the Setup.exe in the root folder."
3. Include "Elements.ini" to suppress select country window that will appear after launch of shortcut.
4. Change property AgreeToLicense No to Yes
5. Change property ACCEPTEDEULA 0 to 1
6.Change property  DISABLEOLSFEATURES 0 to 1
7. Change property DISABLEEMSFEATURES 0 to 1
8. Step to suppress EULA,Registration,Updates:

Create "application.xml.override" file and place in Adobe folder with the following contents.
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <Data key="EULA">Suppress</Data>
            <Data key="Serial" protected="0">xxx--yyy--zzz </Data>
            <Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>
            <Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>

Yahoo Messenger 11 - To disable 'Send File' (File Transfer) option.

Step to disable the “Send File ” (file transfer) option in Yahoo messenger 11.

Edit the “res_msgr.dll” and disable the “Send File” option.

1.      edit  res_msgr.dll  using ‘PE explorer ‘. (download 'PE explorer'
       2.       click on View -> Select ‘Resources’ -> select 'Menu' from drop down -> under 'menu', Select
                 "431" and double click on '431' -> which pops a dialog where you get a option to 'deselect'
                  "Send file" option

1.       Event ‘431’ is responsible for “Send File” functionality.
2.        when we select "431"  and look at the right side panel for script, under which "Action" function is scripted for    "Send Files"  (deselecting the 'Send Files' option will edit the script/Code as ("SEND FILE"= "INACTIVE")

Skype - Disable File Transfer

To disable file transfer through Skype, you need to create this entry in registry HKLM\Software\Policies\Skype\Phone
Create a Dword  DisableFileTransfer with a value 1

You can change HKLM (local machine) to HKCU to disable file transfer for current user only.

Don't forget to restart Skype after applying changes to registry.

Friday, April 10, 2015

How to turn on hidden Primary virtual application directory (PVAD) in APP-V SP3

As we all are aware that the primary virtual application directory (PVAD) is hidden in App-V 5.0 SP3, but there is an option to turn it back on and make it visible during the sequencing phase.

Option 1: open the sequencer.exe with the parameter –EnablePVADControl in command prompt.
Option 2: In the Registry Editor, go to:                     HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Sequencer\Compatibility    

If the Compatability subkey doesn’t exist, we must create it.Then Create a DWORD Value named EnablePVADControl, and set the value to 1. A value  0 means that PVAD is hidden.