Wednesday, July 3, 2024

W365: Last connected state shows incorrect date

In the windows app, if you try to access a cloud pc, the last connected info displays wrong information. Below screen shows last connected as 1 day ago. whereas, in fact the cloud pc was accessed and closed few minutes before to accessing as a new session.

Also in the browser session, the information is displayed 19hrs ago. This in-fact should show as few minutes before as even in the browser, the cloud pc was accessed and closed some minutes ago.

I believe it's taking quite sometime to get updated in the backend which shouldn't be the case and should get updated quicky to avoid confusion.

This seems to be a bug  in windows app which I have raised as a feedback. Kindly upvote to get Microsoft visibility on this.

Note: The browser session seems to fetch the last connected state some what quicker than the windows app once the cloud pc is disconnected. The windows app still displays wrong info.

Update (10/07/2024):

Had raised a support ticket and we had this tested out.It seems the windows app displays the last connected time in UST but the browser displays in local time. I have cross checked and it’s correct that the Windows app display last connected in UST time.

Have asked Microsoft support that this needs to be shared in Microsoft article that the windows app will display last connected state in UST format or else add the UST at end of the time stamp in windows app, so that user will be aware of this. 

This will avoid confusion and the user will understand if UST is added at end of time in the last connected in windows app.

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